NEW FILES AVAILABLE................. We have the following new files available for ALL TERMINATE USER'S and cam be downloaded from FILE AREA #2, EZ-SET Creations. TM4SETUP.ZIP - Complete setup tutorial for Termail and includes QEDIT, TMNice, ShareSpell as well as sample TM.BBS, TM.CFG, EDITOR.BAT & AFTERMSG.BAT files. Clear README.1ST file provides all the necessary instructions. Just edit the paths to suit your system. Will get Termail up & running within 10-15 minutes! TE_QEMM.ARJ - Complete setup help file for running TERMINAT under QEMM v7.04 and DESQView v2.63. Includes AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, TE.BAT, TM.BAT, TH.BAT and DGANSI.ZIP files. Easy to follow instructions. Again, just edit the paths to suit your system. HOSTMNU1.ZIP - Complete Menu Set for Terminat v4 HOST System, both ANSI & ASCII Menu's. Bug fixed for Shutdown from Supervisor's Menu. Complete Drop-in replacement for HOST's standard menu set plus a few "extras". HOSTAFX3.ZIP - Complete Setup file for running HOST with Intermail/Interecho and Allfix. Same basic setup used here. Includes all the necessary .BAT and .CFG files, that just need the paths edited to suit your system. BTSETALL.ZIP - Complete BINKLEY Setup. Everything necessary to get Binkley working with Terminate. Includes sample .BAT and .CFG files plus utilities to make configuring your BINKLEY.CFG and .EVT files easy. TERMBT02.ZIP - Complete Terminate/Binkley Setup Help File. Everything you need to get started using Binkley with Terminate/Termail. Includes all the necessary .BAT files to run your system. All you will need to do is edit the paths to suit your setup. HOSTAF44.ZIP - Setup HOST to use the new ALLFIX v4.40. Many new features now available to HOST Sysop's including; * Creates a FILES.BBS in each defined directory * Creates an ALLFILES list for user'r to Download * Automatic, Built-in File Request Processor for those running a front end mailer Includes easy to follow text files from our working model plus all the necessary .BAT files for using either Binkley or Intermail (Frontdoor). TERM-DV2.ZIP - How to setup TERMINATE, TERMAIL, HOST, etc., under QEMM and DESQView. Contains screen shots showing actual settings being used. Includes all .BAT, .DVP and text files needed to get you going. HSTDOOR2.ZIP - How to setup up to 255 Doors with Terminate's HOST Mini-BBS. Doors such as LORD & BRE InterBBS games, Bingo, Fresh Water Fishing, Tradewars 2002 and many more. Additional SETUP HELP Files are being created that include other NON- TERMINATE programs that will help enhance your communications emjoyment. Some of the upcoming files include; * Using Telix with Intermail/Frontdoor for easy BBS'ing from either of these excellent mailers. * Using ALLFIX with Wildcat BBS Systems for Automatic File Management * Using ALLFIX with LoraBBS for Automatic File Management * Using TERMAIL with LoraBBS for Reading/Replying to messages * Using The READER with HOST for users to Read/Reply to messages ONLINE. * Using Professional Point (PPOINT) with Internail/Frontdoor * Installing additional External Protocols in Terminate * How to use DESQView with most Communications Programs * Using Net-Tamer under DESQView for complete DOS Internet access.